
San Polo

Saturday, 23rd September 2023

Saw the grand canal full of boats. It was amazing.

Walked down cute quiet streets to find where we were meeting our Airbnb host. I was taking pictures of every street.

We found the place but we were too early to check in so we walked to a gelato place that Sarah had found before. Got chocolate gelato and lemon sorbet in cups.

Called the number I'd been sent for 'Tiana'. I gathered from the call that her English wasn't great. She found us and waved to us. We chatted with a mix of slow English, Italian, gestures, and sound effects.

We went down a few different narrow streets to her building. Her apartment was on the top floor. It had great views and there were two siamese cats. Our room was nice, colourful, full of paintings, and had a skylight.

Went to St. Mark's Square and saw St. Mark's Campanile, which was so much bigger than I thought it would be. There were bands playing music and taking turns just like in that book I read by Kazuo Ishiguro.


Sunday, 24th September 2023

Decided to spend our day visiting the islands of Murano and Berano. Walked to the vaporetto stop and got an all day ticket from the machine. We thought if we hurried we could get on the next boat, but then a guy pointed at the enormous queue. It was hundreds of people long.

Doge's palace

Monday, 25th September 2023

The Doge's palace and the prison.

Big room for the Doge.

More canals.